Source Dataset Requirements for Contacts

You align your source data with the industry-standard schema for contact data that is supplied by this template.

The contacts template includes a predefined, standardized schema for contact data. The mastering flow for data products produced by this template includes a schema mapping step in which you identify how columns in your source datasets correspond to the attributes in the supplied schema.

To prepare, review the general Requirements for Source Datasets. Then, identify the column or columns in each of your source datasets that you will map to the attributes in the contact schema. After you map your source data fields to these attributes, Tamr Cloud can enrich your data and consolidate similar records into entities.

The tables below describes these attributes and explains which are:

  • Required: The Schema Mapping step will be marked as incomplete and you cannot run the flow until you map source columns to these attributes.
  • Recommended: For optimal data quality, enrichment, and clustering results, map source columns to these attributes.
  • Optional: These attributes have minimal impact on your clustering and enrichment results. If your source data includes columns that match these attributes, map them to include that source data in your completed data product.

Tip: You can also add attributes to the unified schema and map columns that you want to include in the mastered data product to them. The template does not use these additional attributes as part of the mastering process.

General contact attributes

Unified Attribute Description Type
primaryKey The primary key used in the source dataset to uniquely identify each record. See About Primary Keys for more information. Required
trusted_id A non-unique key, such as a customer or contact identification number used by your internal systems. The clustering model always clusters together records that have the same trusted_id. If your data does not include identifiers that represent a definite match, do not map any columns to trusted_id. Optional
first_name The contact's first name. Required
last_name The contact's last name. Required
middle_name The contact's middle name. Optional
name_prefix The contact's prefix, such as Ms. or Mr. Optional
name_suffix The contacts's suffix, such as Jr. or Senior. Optional
professional_title The contact's professional title. Recommended
email The contact's email address. Recommended

Contact's personal address and phone number attributes

Unified Attribute Description Type
contact_address_line_1 Line 1 of the contact's address. Optional
contact_address_line_2 Line 2 of the contact's address. Optional
contact_city The city in the contact's address. Optional
contact_country The country in the contact's address. Optional
contact_postal_code The postal (zip) code in the contact's address. Optional
contact_region The region in the contact's address, such as a state or territory. Optional
phone_number The contact's phone number. Optional
phone_number_alt The contact's alternate phone number. Optional
fax_number The contact's fax number. Optional

Contact's organization or business address and phone number attributes

Unified Attribute Description Type
org_address_line_1 Line 1 of the contact's organization or business address. Recommended
org_address_line_2 Line 2 of the contact's organization or business address. Optional
org_city The city in the contact's organization or business address. Optional
org_country The country in the contact's organization or business address. Optional
org_name The name of the contact's organization or business. Recommended
org_name_alt The alternate name of the contact's organization or business. Optional
org_postal_code The postal (zip) code in the contact's organization or business address. Optional
org_region The region in the contact's organization or business address, such as state or territory. Optional