Country Code

Country code enrichment recognizes and standardizes country code data.

The Country Code enricher recognizes country names, common names, and most country code formats, and enriches records with the standardized ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 two character country code value (for example: GB, US, and so on). Note that this enricher does not enrich input ISO 3166-1 numeric three digit country codes.

This service is included without additional licensing in the following data product templates:

  • B2B Customers with D&B
  • Legal Entities
  • Suppliers with D&B

Required Input Attributes for Country Code Enrichment

The input dataset for this enricher must include fields that can be mapped to the following enrichment input attributes.

Input Attribute Name Description
country Country name

Output Attributes for Country Code Enrichment

The following attributes are provided by the enricher.

Output Attribute Name Description
enriched_country_success Whether the enricher successfully enriched the country code data for this record (true/false).
enriched_country_code_2_character The ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 two character country code, for example: GB, US, and so on.